Saturday, November 14, 2009


终于,明天我就可以回诗巫了! ! 等了好久,觉得自己来西马的这三个星期是一种浪费!每天都是在等时间过~不过要回家了却没有让我安心,因为我还有report要印,希望在东马我也可以把report做到像西马这样好的quality! 大家,帮我祷告下吧。。。


Thursday, November 5, 2009


想买镜头想到疯了!! 决定了,今年一定要给自己加一颗新的镜头!因为budget有限,又要买Flash, 所以太贵的就别考虑了,等明年毕业做工了再看看。最近看上一颗镜头可是不知道要不要买,又怕买了会后悔~~ 唉,有时又跟自己说,今天二十一了,就买一颗镜头送给自己当生日礼物吧~ 你说我要不要买呢??

这颗是我看中的 AF-S DX NIKKOR 18-105mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR
RM 1388.00


AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.8D
RM 468.00


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

i found some interesting things in SUSHI house!

again, it is Monday! i hate Monday! Yesterday, i came to sushi house, miss her so much and finally i am here~~i found out something interesting on the wall of her house, let me show you the interesting things here~
This colorful poster had caught my 1st attention

I feel like i heard this b4, in typography class?? or Graphic Design class?

Try them out yourself!

Ooopss! sorry, today is Tuesday~ i am blur dy!